Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Ananda LA - Urban Ashram Promo Video

"Be Here Now"
Produced,Written, Directed by Clarity West
Director of Photography Josh Wood
Starring Keshava Betts & Mai Lee
Music: Karma Cosmic

A short promotional piece done for a popular "urban ashram", Ananda yoga and meditation center in L.A.

Short film - "From the Inside Out"

                                                              "From the Inside Out"
                                                  A film by Clarity West & Jonah West
                                               Musical Score & Editing by Daryl Bennett

            A 15 min piece I am very proud to have my name on. Originally written, scored and collaborated with over 30 artists and friends from Vancouver, Canada. Many of us have gone on to do big things.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Short Film - L'amour

                                         Written, Directed, Cinematography by Clarity West
                                                               VFX by Jonah West
                                                            Music by The Bees - I love you

                              A stop motion short film I shot several years ago on a Super 8 camera.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Saltspring Island Painting Montage

 My good friend Samantha commissioned me to do a mural on the wall of her ocean view home in Saltspring Island, BC. One of the most beautiful, significant and special places I've ever visited. A spontaneous idea came to mind to do a power vision for her, with her within the mural. This was the process.                                         
Day 1
Finer Details
Sam posing for some ideas I had for the design

A quick sketch of the Mural before starting
It was very high up

The ocean and mountains started to appear

And there she was, Samantha right in the center of it all

Sam, home after work

I had her do the final touches on her aura
Sam's power vision, right in her own kitchen


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The worst thing I ever did to myself was to try and fit in.
Once I discovered how to be myself, I found that I fit in more than ever.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Sunday, January 19, 2014


I'm happiest when I'm doing what I love. Which is what? Art.
I love to do art so why don't I do it more often? Because life. Life takes a toll and it takes the front seat and somehow, art gets pushed to the back seat or even sometimes to the trunk. There's been so many excuses, such as I gave away all my art sup pies because I've traveled around the country so many times that my stuff can barely keep up with me. I land in one place and I'm already moving to the next. How does an artist continue to do art when she has no place to set up?

People have commented how much I am able to get done so quickly and in such a short amount of time. One person commented today about how I just landed in LA and he's seen me active with so many classes so quickly. I thought about that today as I strolled the winter streets of LA. By winter I mean, it's winter but we're in the middle of a drought, it's been sunny and in the mid 80's since last week.

Anyhow, when I land somewhere I just get right to it because I never know how long I'll be in one place.  I mean like here in LA, it's been approx 4 months and I'm already planning to be on to the next place. If I waited till I got settled every time, I would never get anything accomplished!

Narayan, the Ananda LA leader gave a stirring talk at Sunday service this morning. One thing that caught my attention was that he spoke about these sadhus in India who only stay one in one place for 3 days at a time as to not get attached. Sounds a lot like me and for awhile, 3 days would actually have been a record! Old samskaras or running away from something?

Really though, a lot of my art stems from my experiences and that includes the various people, places, things I've experienced along the way. I wish I had an easier time with people though. It seems the longer you stay in one place the more unhealthy habits begin to play out. This must stem from childhood, parent/childhood dynamics I'm sure psychology would say. Anyhow, that's a whole different blog site like my Yogagirleastwest site. All about the drama.

Anywho, off to something else for the evening. See you soon

And btw I am currently working on some fabulous painting which I will post soon :)


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Art and Creativity for Kids